Tchaikovsky. Choreographer: Petipa.
Author: Beghitchev / Geletzer.
Black Swan Pas de Deux will be performed by Tatiana
Berenova and Pavel Homko.
Lake was staged for the first time as a ballet at the
Bolshoi Theatre in 1877. This production was the only
staging during the composer's life and, ironically,
was a failure. In 1895, nearly twenty years later, choreographers
Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov restaged the ballet in
Saint Petersburg and the work became a legendary success.
This version became the base for later interpretations.
I: At his castle, Prince Siegfried is celebrating his
twenty-first birthday with his friends. His mother arrives and
reminds him that he must choose a bride from among the ladies
invited to the ball the following day. When Siegfried's mother
leaves the party continues, but Siegfried stands apart overcome
by a vague melancholy. He sees some white swans fly overhead
and decides to leave his friends and go hunt them.
II: At the banks of a moonlit lake near the castle,
a group of swan-maidens appears. The prince has already aimed
his bow when the Swan Queen presents herself and tells Siegfried
that she is the Princess Odette changed into a swan, like her
companions, by the sorcerer Rothbart, a spell from which she
can only be freed by one who will swear eternal love to her.
Now deeply in love, Siegfried swears he loves Odette and invites
her to the ball, then dawn breaks and the swan-maidens are all
turned back into swans.
III: At the ball the prince dances with six young ladies
who are presented to him. Then a stranger arrives, Baron Rothbart
and his daughter Odile, the evil double of Odette. After looking
at her for a while Siegfried decides that she is Odette, his
beloved, dances with her, and publicly declares her his bride.
Rothbart and his daughter leave in triumph. Then Siegfried sees
the white spirit of Odette momentarily at the window and rushes
to the lake.
IV: At the lake, the swans dance sadly as they wait
for Odette. When she arrives in tears she falls to the ground
among her companions. Siegfried finds her and lifts her tenderly;
she is dying. He takes her tiara and throws it into the lake,
which rises to submerge both him and Odette. Their spirits fly
upwards towards the sky above the lake, which is calm once again.
The earliest of the Russian "Big Three," Swan
Lake is an important part of the repertoire of all of the
major classical ballet companies in the world. First staged
in 1877 by Wenzel Reisinger, the Petipa version is the one that
survives today.